Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Gorgeous red hair

You do realise...

...that there should be a law AGAINST men who naturally have this colour of hair, don't you?

Not for any other reason than sheer petty jealousy...

Goddamn all the redheads in existence and their bloody freckles...

Why should a melanin glitch make my heart lose a heartbeat? Or half a dozen of them, for that matter???



I think I am going to go fuck myself. Suddenly everything has a new meaning.

Yes, the phrase "go fuck myself" fits the description perfectly. If you'll excuse me for a moment...

Goodnight you all...

I said good night!!!

[Photos: Bartek Borowiec, a very ugly specimen of flaming red hair and milk white skin. Excuse me while I wolf whistle!!!)

Give it a fucking rest already!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bartek is a very beautiful man With his long Red hairs.